ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q is a homeopathic medicine under the category of Kidney Care. Manufactured by Adel Pekana in Germany, this medicine comes in a bottle containing 20 ml of Mother Tincture. The MRP of ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q is ₹320.
Dosage: It is recommended to take ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q as directed by a healthcare practitioner or as per the instructions on the packaging.
Side Effects: Homeopathic medicines are generally considered safe for use but it is advised to consult a healthcare professional if any unusual symptoms occur.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How should I take ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q?
– The dosage instructions can be found on the packaging or consult a healthcare practitioner for guidance.
2. What are the common uses of ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q?
– ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q is commonly used for Kidney Care purposes in homeopathy.
3. Are there any known side effects of this medicine?
– While homeopathic medicines are generally safe, consult a healthcare professional if any side effects are experienced.
4. Can ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q be used for children?
– It is recommended to consult a healthcare practitioner before administering this medicine to children.
5. Where can I purchase ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q?
– ADEL Equisetum H Mother Tincture Q can be purchased at pharmacies or through authorized online retailers.